Lowongan Kerja Pura Group Indonesia
Tanggal Dipublish: 06 Agustus 2024Rekrutmen Lowongan Kerja Pura Group Indonesia - PURA GROUP INDONESIA terdiri dari 30 unit produksi, bergerak di bidang Kertas Uang & Kertas Sekuriti, Smart Card, Anti Pemalsuan, Percetakan dan Kemasan, Pengolahan Lanjut Kertas dan Plastik, Bahan Industri Tembakau, Pembuatan Mesin, dan Konstruksi Jalan.
Baca: Tips ini penting dilakukan mengingat kalimat “saya butuh pekerjaan” sudah sangat mainstream di kalangan para pencari kerja. Dalam hal cari kerja, kamu perlu mengucapkan sesuatu yang berbeda saat kamu melamar via online ataupun langsung mengunjungi perusahaan yang kamu tuju.Daripada kamu hanya mengucapkan “Saya butuh pekerjaan”, bagaimana kalau kamu ubah menjadi, “Bagaimana saya bisa membantu perusahaan Bapak/Ibu dengan skill yang saya punya?” atau “Ada yang bisa saya bantu untuk perusahaan Bapak dan Ibu?”. Dengan begitu, kamu akan seolah-olah terlihat sebagai orang yang membantu perusahaan mereka. Karena perusahaan sendiri juga membutuhkan karyawan. Padahal, sebenarnya kamu juga butuh dan sedang dalam tahap cari kerja. Jadi, bersikaplah profesional.
Lowongan Kerja Pura Group Indonesia Terbaru 2022
1. Senior Sales Executive
- D3 / S1 all majors, Attractive appearance, Communicative
- Experience in manufacturing sales or B to B sales of at least 2 years is preferred
- Having knowledge about paper / packaging is preferred
- Ready to work with targets & willing to be mobile
- Have a SIM A
- Preferred domiciled in Semarang, Jogja, Solo, Purwokerto, Cirebon, Pekalongan, Greater Jakarta, Surabaya to cover the area of the area.
- Not color blind
2. Marketing Overseas
- D3 / S1 all majors
- Minimum 2 years experience in B to B sales
- Able to communicate using active English
- Has a network with agencies and is able to find new buyers and pioneer the market share of Pura Group products abroad.
- Having experience and ability in handling a tender abroad.
- Having knowledge in the fields of printing, packaging, security labels and smart cards is an added value.
- Familiar with computers and the internet.
- Not color blind and placement in Kudus.
3. Marketing Technical Support
- D3 / S1 all majors
- Minimum 1 year experience in sales marketing.
- Active English is a plus.
- Able to communicate & establish relationships with customers
- Having good problem solving skills and being able to be a mediator between production and customers.
- Not color blind and placement in Kudus.
4. Finance Accounting
- S1 Accounting
- Able to keep a journal and prepare financial reports
- Mastering the calculation of the Cost of Production (HPP)
- FA / Audit / Taxation experience is a plus
- Placement in Kudus
5. System Analyst
- S1 Information Systems.
- Understand the concept of system design (UML & SDLC).
- Understand RDBMS concepts & normalize database tables.
- Placement in Kudus
6. IT (Programmer & Database)
- S1 Technical Information.
- Understand Java, J2SE, VB.NET, C++, C#, Assembler, PHP, Delphi, Power Builder, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL and had made a program using related programming language.
- Understand concept of normalization RDBMS and database tables.
- Not color blind and placement in Kudus
7. Product Design
- D3 / S1 Department of Visual Communication Design.
- Mastering Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Premiere Pro programs.
- Creative and have a passion in the field of design.
- Experienced in product design.
- Not color blind and Placement in Kudus.
8. Quality Control & Product Development
- S1 Chemical Engineering / Chemistry Mathematics and Natural Sciences / Food Technology
- Understand and master the process and formulation of production materials, extraction of laboratory analysis
- Minimum 1 year experience in the field of QC / R&D manufacturing company (preferably)
- Not color blind and placement in Kudus
9. Staff PPIC
- D3 / S1 Industrial Engineering, all majors are welcome to apply if they have experience in PPIC
- Having the ability to analyze and calculate a production process
- Detailed, thorough and target oriented
- Not color blind and placement in Kudus.
10. Electrical Engineer
- D3 / S1 Electrical Engineering (Weak Current / Strong Current)
- For Weak Currents: experience designing & making electronic systems, mastering Microcontroller programming, PCB design, analog electronics, Visual Basic & Delphi, PLC is preferred OMRON
- For Strong Current: Mastering electrical & Panel installations
- Not color blind and placement in Kudus.
11. Calculation
- S1 Accounting / Taxation
- Mastering the method of calculating Cost of Production (HPP)
- Able to do market analysis
- FA / Audit / Taxation experience is a plus
- Placement in Kudus
12. Senior Purchasing
- D3 / S1 all majors
- Minimum 3 years experience in the field of purchasing, procurement and negotiating spare parts, raw materials or building materials
- Being able to speak English actively becomes a plus
- Not color blind and placement in Kudus.
13. Building Supervisor
- D3 / S1 Civil Engineering
- Min 3 years experience in implementing project supervision
- Able to create RAB and sketch images
- Not color blind and placement in Kudus
14. Credit Analyst
- Education min D3
- Minimum 1 year experience in the field of Credit Analyst
- Able to communicate well
- Have good analitic
- Placement in Jakarta
Sebelum mengirimkan lamaran kerja diwajibkan untuk membaca keseluruhan informasi Lowongan Kerja Pura Group Indonesia.
Seluruh proses tahapan seleksi TIDAK DIPUNGUT BIAYA APAPUN.
Jika tertarik dan memenuhi kualifikasi lowongan ini, silahkan melakukan pendaftaran secara online.
Batas Lamaran: Segera/Secepatnya | Link: https://bit.ly/ok-1657 |
Perhatian: Kami tidak pernah meminta imbalan atau biaya dalam bentuk apapun terhadap rekrutmen disitus ini apabila ada pihak yang mengatasnamakan kami atau perusahaan meminta biaya seperti transportasi atau akomodasi atau yang lainnya bisa dipastikan itu PALSU.